Just stumbled on this pic on Barstool and I have no idea how I didn't put 2 and 2 together on this when I was writing the Brady-Yao Ming look a like post. Because HOLY TRINITY, Bieber must be exactly what Tom Brady looked like as a pre-pubescent teen. This completely explains why I've had an irrational hate for Usher's prodigy, all this time I was subliminally hating Tom Brady. That and I think it's BOOTY SON that every girl my age would get with Justin Bieber before she would get with me.
But to the point, like last time I'll leave it to you all to decide. Poll at the bottom of the page.
Also Brady is smart for not watching Hard Knocks. In fact I would suggest anyone who dislikes the Jets to not watch even one minute. Rex Ryan is awesome, I wish Mark Sanchez was my best friend, and the shake weights stuff was hilarious.
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