Time - "There are Words You are Using Incorrectly and You Really Should Stop That." Want to know other ways you're accidentally revealing your ignorance? Read the rest of errors over at Readers Digest.
You never mean: Could care less
You always mean: Couldn't care less
Why: You want to say you care so little already that you couldn't possibly care any less. When the Boston Celtics' Ray Allen said, "God could care less whether I can shoot a jump shot," we know he meant exactly the opposite because 1) God has other things on his mind, and 2) God is a Knicks fan.
You always mean: Couldn't care less
Why: You want to say you care so little already that you couldn't possibly care any less. When the Boston Celtics' Ray Allen said, "God could care less whether I can shoot a jump shot," we know he meant exactly the opposite because 1) God has other things on his mind, and 2) God is a Knicks fan.
Amen brothers and sisters!!! Preach that shit like Saint Sam! Ummm someone get me these writers on the batphone asap. Hi my name is Pattyshack and I'd like to apply to be your new best friend. I promise I like grammar and making fun of people that use it incorrectly as much as you do.
Ignorance is right. Special Ed will be the first to tell you that my blood pressure rises a good 400% when I hear someone say they could care less (side note: he also has arguably the worst grammar of any native english speaker I have ever met. Needless to say we've had a few choice words). Really bro? Could you care less? Good. I'm glad you told me that. I'm glad you told me that you could care less and that this is not the singular thing in the world that you care the most about when you were trying to tell me the exact opposite.
The other 23 things on the list are all fine and dandy, but I clearly don't have the same passion as I do about numero uno (that's spanish for "number one" - yes I'm bilingual, too). So please check them out and let's have a conversation like educated adults next time we talk, okay?
In the meantime, I'll be waiting to meet my new friends. Hey guys just follow the blog, I promise my grammar is already on point and I edit Special Ed's when I can!!!
PS - God is most certainly not a Knicks fan. No one is a Knicks fan, especially not God. Spike Lee does not count as a person.
PPS - Not to nitpick, guys, but pretty sure God had nothing else on his mind in Game 2 this year when Ray Ray was hotter than the fucking sun from behind the arc.
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