
Do I Need a Touch of Gray?

Look, ladies love the Silver Fox. Damn, that actually woulda been a pretty solid blogging name. I wish after my blogging birth that my blogging parents would have named me either The Silver Fox or Skittles Valentine. Alas, you can't pick your family and you can't pick your blogging name. But you can pick your nose, just don't eat it. Never understood those dirty fucks that shoved buggers in their mouth. If you're that hungry come on over to my place and I'll throw a pot of rice on for you.

Okay, sorry I popped my Aderall and am ready to start this blog. JSmiles and I have had the talk on multiple occassions that we want to go for the salt and pepper look and die our hair and beard with gray highlights. You know, get that distinguished look. I'll never be able to act mature, so I might as well try and look the part to try and fool people into liking me.

That was until on the way back from McFadden's this week I hop on the subway behind this kid who could not have been older than 20, but had the touch of gray real hard. And to be honest, he couldn't pull it off. Just too much of a baby face to rock the look, which, to be honest, rocked my world.

If I'm not rocking the scruff, I look like I'm 12 years old. Which makes me hesitant as to whether or not I could pull off the Silver Fox look. I mean I don't want there to be an oximoronic age war on my face where my hair is saying I am a man of experience but my face is saying prepubescent teen who has never unhooked a bra. It just wouldn't make any dollars or cents.

So, I'll leave it up to you meatheads... Can I pull off the Silver Fox look? I'm gonna try and remember how to make a poll thing, and if you guys can muster up 25 yes votes by the end of the year, I'll actually go out and brush in some gray highlights in my hair and beard. But I'm trusting you guys here, give it to me honest.

PS- The Silver Fox conversation is entirely JSmile's brainchild. Fortunately for him he looks like he's 37 already and could definitely pull off the look.

1 comment:

  1. you must not really want to dye your hair with grey highlights, because there is no way in hell you're getting 25 yes votes on here, let alone 25 votes. just sayin.

    ps - for the record, i vote yes bc i want to see you with white hair.

    pps - isn't the development of grey hair the natural progression following the losing of said hair? bc, if that's the case, you probably won't need the dye.
