NEW YORK – Former President Bill Clinton, who had quadruple bypass surgery more than five years ago, was hospitalized Thursday to have a clogged heart artery opened after suffering discomfort in his chest.
Talk about a tough year for black presidents, huh? First, Obama is on par with the Jay Leno Show as far as torching records for low approval ratings go, now Bubba's heart's giving out? And right before Valetine's Day too...
I'm not really sure if I should be pissed off here at Slick Willie, or admire the hell out of him. He has literally been tearing pages out of my playbook for years. He has done everything I've always half jokingly said I was going to do with my life. Become Leader of the Free World. Check. Trade in my wife when she stops giving me blowies for a younger model that doesn't mind so much. Check. Be on record for loosely defining the word IS. Check. Eat whatever the hell I want and justify it by going for very slow jogs. Check. Kick the bucket before I hate the shit out of my life, sounds like he's pretty on pace there too.
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