
Trojan Vibrators

I know what you're thinking, for a blog written by two dudes, there sure have been a lot of posts for vibrators lately... what the bejesus is that all about? Well, I'll tell you, you see the followers in the top corner? Yeah 5 of 7 of them are females and, for the most part, all I do is remind them that they can't drive, aren't good at sports and don't understand comedy. Well when I find out the Trojan is branching into helping the ladies plunge their happy holes on PRIMETIME TELEVISION, well I feel obliged to make it up to all the lady meatheads, and let them know how they can get their hands on one of these Vibrating Triphoria gizmos.

Btdubbs, after blogging about the Vinny shaped cock, princesSA directed me to a website for vibrators. Those shits make absolutely no GD sense. There's like a million different shapes and sizes and colors and shit, and I have no idea how girls would use most of them. Gotta say, my left hand works plenty well enough for me.

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