Ahhh romance! While thoughts of love may be in the summer wind, down here on the ground the financially savvy person might want to give some solid thought to whether their sweetie is in the red or in the black when it comes to their personal finances.
1. Does your sweetie always insist on picking up the check at a big dinner and/or throw down his or her credit card without even looking at the bill?
2. Does your sweetie have a large but sparsely furnished apartment / home?
3. Does your sweetie avoid answering calls on his or her phone?
4. Does your sweetie lease his or her car?
5. Does your sweetie ask you to co-sign or buy things in your name, and promising to pay you back?
Where to even start with this article? I know whoever wrote it had a decent idea and gave an honest effort, but the execution is all off. Have they ever seen Half Baked when Dave Chapelle's character goes on a date with Mary Jane? Financial Deadbeats do not blindly throw down credit cards at restaurants, because they do not have credit cards and they do not go to restaurants. They offer to take you on a romantic walk through Central Park or ask you if you want to stay in and watch a movie and bring over a bottle of 3 Buck Chuck. And financial deadbeats do not have large apartments that are sparsely decorated, they live in shithole apartments and will not invite you over unless you are wasted and think they can get some.
The writer was close with the not picking up his cell phone argument, except that they forgot to include that the deadbeat only avoids picking up calls before 8pm, or whenever Free Nights and Weekends starts up. Also, a deadbeat does not lease a car, he calls you up for a ride to his buddy's place because his broke ass does not have a car. And if you live in New York City where owning a car does not apply, you can tell you're with a deadbeat if he does not take a cab home from the bars, instead opting for taking the subway. You would have to be absolutely OUTSIDE OF YOUR MIND or dead ass broke to take a subway after 1am. The trains come once every two and a half hours and you are legit putting yourself in the way of physical harm.
Number 5 is actually dead on. If the person asks you to co-sign a purchase with them that they are dead broke. But how far down the list would asking someone to co-sign a purchse be on my list of how to tell if dating a deadbeat? 856? Lower? If somebody asks you to cosign, odds are you've been dating the person for a while. And if you haven't figured out if they are broke by then, well, who's really to blame in that situation?
Ready for the real test to see if the person is a deadbeat? If they are willing to walk over 5 blocks out of the way to go to a bank to avoid ATM fees. 6 blocks or more? Boom. Deadbeat. Any other brain busters?