If you even CONSIDERED watching this or didn't know about it and are now interested, we're through forever. I never want to speak to you again.
In all honesty, I would rather stab myself in both eyeballs with a needle full of poison than sit through this fucking program and watch these two blowhards talk about god knows what. I truly can not think of two people in the entire Milky Way Galaxy that I would not want to listen to more. Give me 24 hours of Dickie V and Joe Buck before these jagaloons.
On a related note, I could not be more happy that the Sox-Yanks series is over. No, not because we only one the first game (side note: remember that time last season we won the first 8 or whatever games against the evil empire and the season series ended up tied? I bet Yankees fans would if we had swept this series). Really, it's because I cannot listen to Michael Kay for another fucking second. My god I never knew how lucky I was with RemDawg and Remy. These YES assholes are really too much. Michael Kay still thinks LeBron has someone read his texts for him. Hey dickwad, my friend showed me something on an iPhone the other day too.
New Yorkers are gonna want to make a huge deal of their two wins but really let's not forget these are the first 3 games of the year. Although Marco--remember that time we signed you for your defense and your defense only? Try to act like a professional and make a clean throw next time, k?
PS--Papi had a hit AND an RBI. Everyone relax now.
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