For those of you who don't know, I practically live on Burger King's Dollar Menu and a 20 lb bag of Jasmine Rice. Paying rent is the worst and we both know I'm not cutting a dime from my drinking budget, so I gotta cut some corners somewhere you know? Well, I'm getting back from subbing in for a softball game last night, and I feel like I haven't had anything to eat for about 2 months. Pretty certain I looked like one of those African kids in those sponsor a child commercials. So I swing by the BK over on Fulton in pursuit of the delectable, palatable, delicious and affordable Dollar Double Cheeseburgers only to find that it has been marked up to $1.39.
I know what you are thinking, "It's only 39 cents, whats the big deal?" Well sure, it's only .39 more, but do you know how many Dollar Doubles I eat a week? Enough that it is a legit concern of mine that I'll have a heart attack before I'm 30. And that 39 cents multiplied out over an entire years worth of Double Cheesebergers? Might be enough to bail out Greece. Yeah, my BK habit is that bad. Been pulling for some sort of patch or gum to come out, but only half-heartedly because I really don't want to stop.
And yeah BK put something called the "Buck Double" on the dollar menu (which is essentially the same exact thing with one slice of cheese instead of two), but I settled for two of those last night and it's just not the same. The ratio of bread to meat to cheese is all wrong and I just didn't enjoy it. Plus WTF BK? Is the fake cheese really running you 39 cents per slice? If that's true than 78 cents of the Dollar Double was cheese related costs, leaving meat and bread at a mere 22 cents per sandwhich. Sorry, I'm not buying it and I'm not buying it. I swear, if they start jacking up the Spicy Chicken, Small Fries and the Icee Float I will stab someone in the neck with a knife!
Amen! According to one of their stock releases, removing the extra slice of cheese saves them a stunning $0.05! I can survive a 5 cent increase in the price, but not 40 cents. Plus now, since I order it "only ketchup", they skip the cheese altogether! WTF??