So we're going to try and get these out every Monday (Yeah I know it's Tuesday night, give me a break I'm new at this) so that you fools have something to keep you busy at work.
In and Out Burger can't compete with BK's double cheeseberger... Or their secret menu
My high school religion teacher and lunch lady dancing to Man in the Mirror... must watch
Appropriate Staring
I don't understand why any of these ads got banned, but then again I also don't understand the difference between 'affect' and 'effect'
LiLo suing E*Trade for $100,000,000...Plans to make biggest blow purchase in history
Better stuff than I could engineer, without the $160,000 degree
NSFW if you can't look at an elephant humping a rhino... thanks to Johnny
This video might ruin movies/televison for you forever (from pete)
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