The Mirror- With her array of outrageously raunchy outfits, one could be forgiven for presuming the Lady is Ga-Gagging for it.
But no - apparently the singer says she's taken a vow of celibacy after splitting from her boyfriend. The singer has announced she's single after breaking up with Matthew Williams - a member of her off-thewall creative team Haus of GaGa.
"I'm single. I haven't got time to spend on the road to get to know anyone. Even Lady GaGa can be celibate, you don't have to have sex to be loved."
She went on: "The thing that keeps me warm at night is my sense of self."
Ohhhhhhhhhh, that's why you're celibate..... It's because you're busy on the road.....Right... Got it. It has nothing to do with the fact that no guy in their right mind would fuck you with Patty Shack's cock. Could've fooled me. And who do you think you're fooling with that sense of self bullshit? Look Lady Gaga, no one is buying it. Just admit you can't get laid and that you cry yourself to sleep like the rest of us going through a dry spell.
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