(Yep, it's over.)
Ok first things first. This one isn't about Audrina. You're probably going to wish it was by the time I'm done.
Well this day got off to a smashing start. Hmm let's see. Wake up in my new cave of a room and check to see if it's 3 am, 730 am or 2 pm (it was 730) - check. Take a shower and get dressed - check. Make my ham and cheese sangwich - check. Check ESPN.com and BOOM hey guess what? Your favorite player on your favorite team just got traded! And guess what you got in return for him? (This is a fun game) A 3rd round draft pick. Awesome!!!!!!!! NO FUCKING CHECK!
Don't really know where to begin with this one. It's really not what I needed to start my Wednesday morning at this specific point in my life. Just body blow after body blow. Really just waiting for the knockout at this point.
Apparently Randy was becoming a bit of a clubhouse cancer over his whole contract situation. And we likely weren't going to sign him next year. Well let's play the game again - guess what? I don't give a shit! I tried explaining this to a friend today but it was a girl so she probably didn't really understand. I would take 12 games of an unhappy Randy Moss (after starting the season 3-1) and nothing next year EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK over losing him for the rest of the year but getting a 3rd round pick for next year. I guess you just have to say "oh it's all part of Belichick's plan" but motherfucker when does that start to get old? I mean call me crazy but I'm pretty sure Brandon Tate is not Randy Moss. Yes he's fast as shit but can he do this?
I think not. I'll miss ya bro. I'll be the one at the bar in the Straight Cash Homie shirt, pourin one out.
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