Honestly not even sure it's humanly possible to figure out what number we're on here. Think it's somewhere around 982, plus or minus a few. I've been on my regular hiatus between posts but in the past few weeks there have been several things I've seen about LBJ that made me say "what an asshole, I have to blog about that." But then I didn't because like I said, I was on my break. And nobody puts baby in a corner when he's on his break.
Anyway, what a colossal dick. And I'm not talking about the cake, either, though it is rather large and phallic now that I mention it. Who gets this cake for themselves? Ugh bro ugh.
Three things are jumping to mind:
1. That cake is ugly as fuck. Under no circumstances would I ever want this in my presence, let alone on my birthday. Guys take note, my bday is coming up.
2. It doesn't even look like it would be tasty. Rule#1 about birthday cakes: get a Carvel ice cream cake. That does not look like a carvel ice cream cake.
3. How in god's (the real one, not Charlie Whitehurst) name do you eat this thing? It looks like something I made in arts and crafts in kindergarten.
Other than that though I guess it's just fine. Putting a crown on your ugly ass bday cake and then tweeting it from your KINGJAMES twitter account isn't obnoxious at all. Sweet life.
PS - one of the other things I was going to blog about was LeBron saying he wouldn't change anything that he did in 2010. Loved that. Wonder if that includes choking in the playoffs?
PPS - yes I got this from Twitter. Watch out world, I'm figuring that shit out a bit more every day. Pattyshack comin in HOT in 2011.
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