"It is a tremendous honor to receive the Gold Glove award, especially since this recognition comes from managers and coaches for whom I have a great deal of respect. It is particularly gratifying to be recognized for defense, as it is something I take a lot of pride in and am constantly working to improve," Jeter said in a statement.
This has to be a joke right? Like no one actually thinks Derek Jeter is a good fielder right? Well obviously no one that knows anything about baseball thinks that, so I'm sure PrincesSA does because she is not a fan. But for real, does his fucking jump throw have some sort of hypnotic powers? Does it just trick people into thinking that he's a good defensive baseball player?
Obviously this award has become laughable. As the ESPN article goes on to point out, Jeter is CONSISTENTLY ranked in the bottom half of any defensive metrics that actually figure out whether a player is a good fielder or not. Pretty sure these "Gold" Gloves are just awarded to players with the fewest errors slash most popularity. Do you know why Jeter makes the fewest errors? BECAUSE HE DOESN'T GET TO HALF THE BALLS OTHER SHORTSTOPS DO. So he can't make a fucking error if he never gets near the ball!!!!!! Get it now?
While I do respect Jeter - partly for his time on the diamond, partly because he's seemingly banged every hot girl in the universe - I go to sleep every night praying Hal and Hank play hardball with him this offseason and he leaves town for another team (I'm sure Minka wouldn't mind living in LA?)
Eat shit Derek!
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