Hey guys looks like you made a mistake here

Try and Tell Me This Shit Wasn't on Purpose
Husband's Play Punch On Wife Goes Wrong - Watch more Funny Videos
If you have ever lived with a girl, you know for damn certain that this guy fully intended on connecting full force with this haymaker. Oh yeah, Sweetheart! I promise I won't actually hit you! What I'm gonna do is, just wind up and....... BOOM gotcha bitch! Next time don't send me a text message while I'm at church that the toilet seat is up and that we're out of tp.
I'm Now a Tool
Ladies and Meatheads, if you didn't think I was a tool before for writing, you now have my permission to consider me one. I dropped my cell phone in a cup of coffee about 10 days ago, and it became the Hellen Keller of phones (and YES I put it in a bag of rice). I could txt, but the clear button was stuck pressed down so it was a race against the clock to finish typing, and I could make and receive calls, but I couldn't talk into the phone or hear what the other person was saying.
So today, when I needed to return my important business phone calls and couldnt because I had a deaf mute for a phone, I texted Patty Shack where I could find the nearest Verizon store. Once he informed me that it was literally across the street, I walked and caved to the pressure to get a BlackBerry.
I got the Curve, but I'm technology retarded so don't try to BBM, SMS or MMS me or any of that shit, because I still don't know how to Reply All on emails works. Ergo, I obviously don't know how to use a damned BlackBerry. All I know is I'm gonna be breaking bricks till the cows come home and writing emails that say Sent From My Verizon Wireless BlackBerry like all the rest of the people that I hate.
PS- Don't judge me, Patty Shack got Twatter. You can follow him @BenedictPatickArnold.
This is getting fun!!!!!!!!!!!

"As much as we want to keep everybody, we've already made these guys very, very rich, and I don't feel we owe anybody anything monetarily," the Yankees co-chairman said Tuesday. "Some of these players are wealthier than their bosses."
Oh man this is getting a million times more entertaining than I expected! I mean of course these guys weren't going to be on the same page with this whole thing from the start - Jeter's entire value to the Yankees at this point is his legacy there. The Yanks actually made a pretty respectable offer (allegedly 3 years, $45 million...yeah I guess I could go for that to play baseball) that no one else will touch unless another team just wants to piss the Yankees off which I am hoping beyond hope happens. But here are the two sides we have here:
1. Jeter's camp. His agent is posturing with all this "he's given so much to this organization" blah blah blah. But I mean he does make a point. Jeter can't play anywhere else, it would be way too weird. Plus, since he's washed up, this is really the only card he has to play, aside from the whole leadership aspect. Problem is, the Yankees know all this. Which brings us to team numero dos...
2. Hal, Hank and the Cash Man. Why would they offer a 36-year-old defensively-challenged shortstop coming off the worst offensive season of his career a penny more than they have to? As dumb as these guys may look:
...it turns out they're actually pretty smart. They can play the whole "we've been good to you, our dad was good to you, and ohbytheway we just offered you $3mill/year more than anyone else will" story. They obviously don't want this guy on their roster when he's 40+ years old, especially given his downward trending stats. Regardless of his legacy, that makes sense to me.
Basically, Jeter's fucked. He probably won't get more money anywhere else, but he can't go back and look like a pussy by accepting this offer a week from now. As much as it pains me to say it, the Yanks have played this one pretty well. He's ending up in the Bronx. I can say that with 95% certainty. Maybe they'll give in a bit to show the Captain some respect, but they've set a pretty good path from the start and might end up getting him for relatively cheap. Whatever.
Orrrrrrrrr maybe Theo and the Sox will make him some sort of godfather offer that he can't refuse so that he and Boston can really stick it to NY. Although like I just said, that would make no sense. And I don't want to root for his decrepit ass anyway. Ever heard of Marco Scutaro?
But can't I just go to Sturdy Wings?

Richard Seymour hates rapers
Well look at Richard Seymour standing up for all the ladies out there! What a moment for women's rights this was. Just beautiful.

As you might’ve noticed by now, this is not a blog about meat. Don’t get me wrong, I love a nice hunk of beef as much as the next guy, but the closest thing we got in these parts is that meathead Special Ed (well I’m certainly a hunk but that’s neither here nor there). So, you might be wondering, why “Is My Meat Done Yet?” And why the fuck did it take you so long to explain it? Turns out I have a pretty good answer to the first question. Not so much for the second, so I’m just gonna pretend that one never came up.
My Meat was born nearly two years ago (holy shit) when I was cookin’ up a mean meal in the greatest dorm/suite/apartment the world has ever seen. Standard dish of chicken/steak/porkchops with pasta or rice and some veggies. Throw in a few of the closest spices and boom roasted you got a delicious dinner.
So like every night, I called one of my dear friends over with a simple question: “Is my meat done yet?” And nice, polite dicks that they were and are, everyone first made fun of me and then eventually one of them came over to give me thumbs up or thumbs down on the meat situation. And one of our boys, lil Nicky, was like “Bro that should be the title of a blog or something.” Well ask and you shall receive (2 years later) my friend!
Why did they have to do this, you ask? Pattyshack are you some kind of retard? Well actually yes I am. I have a disability that plagues me day and night and makes me a running joke in the design studio at my office. Oh and doesn’t allow me to chase my childhood dream of being a pilot (just kidding, flying is for the birds!...get it? It’s because birds fly.)
If you aren’t with me so far, I’m colorblind. And colorblindness is NOT a joke. First, the basics. I know your jeans are blue. Stop making this the first question you ask when you find out my interesting fact during an icebreaker. I know grass is green. I know an orange is orange. I know a red light from a green light at an intersection because I’m not fucking dumb – one’s on top and one’s on the bottom bitch! I’m colorblind, not regular blind.
Okay now what can’t I do? First, I can’t tell you what number I’m supposed to see in this:
(No, I can't)
I probably can’t pick the color you want out of a crayon box. I probably won’t know that when everyone at my cousin’s wedding is complimenting me on how good I look, my tie is predominantly pink, not gray.
I will most certainly not be able to color my maps in 9th grade Geography class the same way they are colored in the book.
And I won’t be able to tell if my meat is done yet. Lucky for you, all you get out of my misfortune is a hilarious blog. But because I’m such a saint, I’m okay with that. I’ll just keep living my life eating potentially hazardous meat and pumping out a post every two months or so. Don’t mind me.
I just puked everywhere

"It is a tremendous honor to receive the Gold Glove award, especially since this recognition comes from managers and coaches for whom I have a great deal of respect. It is particularly gratifying to be recognized for defense, as it is something I take a lot of pride in and am constantly working to improve," Jeter said in a statement.
This has to be a joke right? Like no one actually thinks Derek Jeter is a good fielder right? Well obviously no one that knows anything about baseball thinks that, so I'm sure PrincesSA does because she is not a fan. But for real, does his fucking jump throw have some sort of hypnotic powers? Does it just trick people into thinking that he's a good defensive baseball player?
Obviously this award has become laughable. As the ESPN article goes on to point out, Jeter is CONSISTENTLY ranked in the bottom half of any defensive metrics that actually figure out whether a player is a good fielder or not. Pretty sure these "Gold" Gloves are just awarded to players with the fewest errors slash most popularity. Do you know why Jeter makes the fewest errors? BECAUSE HE DOESN'T GET TO HALF THE BALLS OTHER SHORTSTOPS DO. So he can't make a fucking error if he never gets near the ball!!!!!! Get it now?
While I do respect Jeter - partly for his time on the diamond, partly because he's seemingly banged every hot girl in the universe - I go to sleep every night praying Hal and Hank play hardball with him this offseason and he leaves town for another team (I'm sure Minka wouldn't mind living in LA?)
Eat shit Derek!
Wheelchair Man is Real Life Joe Swanson from Family Guy
Guy In Wheelchair Stops Robber - Watch more Funny Videos
So I guess people in wheelchairs aren't completely useless afterall... I just assumed that Joe Swanson was kinda like Brian or Stewie on Family Guy, in that its impossible for a dog or a baby to talk, and that its impossible for a person in a wheelchair to be a functioning member in society. This is like seeing a pig fly or a white running back run for 184 yards and 2 touchdowns against the Patriots. But seriously tho, wheelchair guy rocks the shit in this one. Almost makes up for this guy.
God, if you're reading this, I'm only kidding... Please don't take my legs from me, I'll say as many Hail Mary's and Our Father's as it takes.
50 Raps with That Weird Ass Lip-Syncing Kid
Yo Freakshow! Clean your fucking room and make your damn bed if you know that 50 is about to burst through the door and start spittin hot fire with your elfish ass! This is that dude, who put out songs like Candy Shop, 21 Questions and P.I.M.P. and was in hit movies such as Get Rich or Die Tryin' and Righteous Kill!!! Least you could do is put that cum rag by the trash in the actual garbage can. Unless, he had no idea that 50 was coming at all, in which case I'm just impressed by the impomptu choreography, especially at the 3 minute mark.
PS- Ja Rule must be rollin' in his grave seein 50 on his knees like a little bitch.
Move to Buffalo Before Everybody Else Realizes How Awesome it is
Yahoo- Sperling crunched the numbers to find the 10 best cities to relocate to today. The list takes into consideration all kinds of data points from cost of living to crime rates, the number of colleges and how healthy the population is, as well as access to museums, shows, sporting and other events. Plus, one you might not think of - stability.
2. Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY
Buffalo is an older, industrial city that has "gone through a sort of gut-wrenching transition into the 21st Century," Sperling says. And now that it's gotten over the bumps, it's a great place to live.
The Buffalo-Niagara Falls area has a growing arts scene and it's affordable: The cost of living is 14.4 percent below the national average, and the average home price is $119,700, well below the national average of $171,700.
There are more than 20 parks in Buffalo, earning it the nickname, "City of Trees," and for all you sports fans, it's home of the Buffalo Bills football team and Buffalo Sabres hockey team. As for Niagara Falls, the city has moved from an industrial center to a more sustainable tourism-based economy, and with the opening of the Conference Center Niagara Falls a few years ago, it now attracts more business travelers.
The unemployment rate in the region is 8.3 percent, below the national average. Health care and education are the fastest growing industries here.
And yeah, I realize that we came in second... again. Cue the Bills four straight super bowl losses jokes. Real fucking knee slappers...
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo!!!!! I've taken sooooooo much shit for being from Buffalo since day one. Oh, Buffalo, isn't that a welfare city? You guys get a lot of snow up there right? Is that a part of Canada? Well look who's number 2 now bitches! Looks like I was just beating the rush by being birthed there.
It's Called a Dance Party!!!
Laughter Is The Best Medicine - Watch more Funny Videos
Somebody better get me Sean Stevenson for our party next weekend! Life is meant to be enjoyed! The only other time I met somebody who comes close to being this awesome was this hunchback I met on the way to Wilson Farms back in Buffalo. Me and my boy tried to help him carry him carry his groceries, but he told us he was working on his traps. He also told us he was taking yoga classes because he was this close to being able to suck his own dick. Dude just embraced being a hunchback, and really what else are you supposed to do when you're dealt that hand? Life is too short to get all serious and not have a good time.