Is My Meat Done Yet?
Ummm Do People Actually Read This??
So when I logged back into this, a lot had changed with the whole layout, much more friendly set up for writing a blog and whatnot. But what jumped out above all else is this fucking thing HAS to be lying that Our Meat has been viewed 25 fucking thousand times. We have about 3.5 friends and they didn't read this when we were writing it, so what the fuck were other people doing here?
Does this mean that I have to start writing like I'm speaking to the masses? This whole time I thought it was just me and RollTide writing to each other while sitting 3 feet from each other in our shitty apartment. Gotta say this is a real game changer. Mind. Fucked.
I Think Enough Time Has Passed, That I'm Okay With Matt Leinart in a Bills Jersey
He really has aged well. I mean look at that guy, Studcake with frosting and sprinkles on top.
So I've written in this space before, that Matt Leinart can stay the F away from Buffalo. Saying that the former USC Heisman quarterback would fit in in Buffalo like I would fit in in Tokyo or some non-sense. Well guess what? I haven't matured enough that the idea of being in Tokyo doesn't haunt my dreams, but the idea of Leinart in Flutie's old number 7 Buffalo Bills jersey doesn't immediately make me want to vomit.
Maybe it's that Leinart doesn't seem to have the Hollywood persona that I associated with him when he was younger that makes me think he might have a little Shane Falco in him. Or it might just be that the Bills are looking at starting an undrafted rookie named Jeff Tuel against the Patriots in the home opener in two weeks if E.J. Manuel and Kevin Kolb aren't healthy by then.
Who am I kidding, it is for sure the later of those two. As much as fun as its been watching Tuel Time light it up in the preseason, he did that against scrubs for Indy, Minnesota and Washington. Belicheck and Brady will literally eat that poor boy alive with no remorse. Sign me up for Matt Leinart and sign me up for him yesterday.
Update: Welcome to the squad Matty. Kolb's latest concussion is supposed to be career threatening, so now I have no choice to love you. Shane Falco 2.0 here we go.
Apparently Our Blog is 3 Years Old?
So I was hungover as hell this morning, flipping around trying muster the energy to get out of bed before it was this afternoon, when I get this email letting me know that our baby turned three.
I'll be the first to admit that I have been a terrible father over the past year or so. I missed all the play dates and didn't change one diaper. Bailed on paying alimony too. I probably made Antonio Cromartie look like the father of the year. But sometimes it just takes a quick birthday card in your email reminding you that your blog is a toddler to make you turn your life around.
Now I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that I'm devoting my life back to the blog, just that I'm going to start showing up to his T-Ball games and parent teacher conferences. So you can probably expect a few posts up here a week about the same old things. Probably some Bills stories, some things I find on the internet that give me excuses to tell stories about my past, maybe a girl who sneaks into my top 10... soooo get excited for that!
Tebow and Swift Attempt to Break the Internet Machine
NY Daily News- This week, country singer Taylor Swift is being linked to a different, non-Hollywood hunk: NFL quarterback Tim Tebow.
The pair was spotted grabbing dinner together at the Toscanova restaurant in Los Angeles' Century City mall this past Monday, and the Internet is already abuzz with rumors that the two are more than dining buddies.
Look, I'm on record as saying how much sweat both of these Christ-Lovers. Tebow can do pretty much anything except throw a football, and Taylor's got the whole blonde, country, skinny, take-home-to-your-mother thing going on that warms both my heart and my dick. But I gotta call bullshit on this one. No, not because if these two dated it would be the worst thing that happened to me since Ryan Reynolds and ScarJo got together. But if I know Tim Tebow like I think I know Tim Tebow, Taylor Swift is missing two very important assets...
Now We're Talkin...
Alright, if I had to name my favorite thing in the world it would have to be playing shuffleboard. Not the one they play in retirement homes with the sticks, but the one where you slide the pucks on the table with the sand. I fucking LOVE shuffleboard. But if I had to name my two favorite things in the world, it would have to be playing shuffleboard and making puns. My life would be 93% less enjoyable if it weren't for puns. No Seriously.
But even I was getting tired of all these Lin-isms. Linning, Super Lintendo, Linderella, I want you Linside of me... they were driving me, well, Linsane. I figured that the All-Star break might be exactly what the city needed to cool down, and you know come up with some other story that was newsworthy that had nothing to do with an Asain basketball player from Harvard. That's when I run out to get a slice for dinner and run into this sign....
$5 Lintinis? $4.50 Lin and Tonics? Now these are some Lin-ism I can fuckin get behind! Because if I had to name my third favorite thing it would for sure be getting shit faced on the cheap.
Joba Throwing off the Mound again... Looking Good, Feeling Good
So this is what I think I must look like when I'm showing a chick my vinegar strokes. Face puffed out, kinda sweaty, rockin' a little scruff, arms flailing, shirt definitely still on... Yup Joba, you nailed it. Thanks man, and sorry ladies.
But on a side note, Joba threw 16 fastballs off of a real mound for the first time since Tommy John surgery last summer yesterday. He will be working his way up to breaking balls later this week, and is expected to beat his eyed June return date to the Yanks' bullpen. Joba said after the session that his arm feels fine, but that his legs are tired. But you would be too if you had to carry around that porker all day, Heyooooooooo!
But on a side note, Joba threw 16 fastballs off of a real mound for the first time since Tommy John surgery last summer yesterday. He will be working his way up to breaking balls later this week, and is expected to beat his eyed June return date to the Yanks' bullpen. Joba said after the session that his arm feels fine, but that his legs are tired. But you would be too if you had to carry around that porker all day, Heyooooooooo!
Landry Fields Wants to be a Champion, So Freakin Bad
So I don't know if it makes me gay to say it, but Landry Fields can fucking GET IT. Not only has he been averaging 11 points, 5 boards, 3 assists, a three and one 'Holy Shit, I didn't know Landry could do it like that' moment a game since Lin took over, but it turns out he has the voice of Fergie mixed with Jesus too. Exactly what I'm looking for... out of my 2 guard.
How Are Boston Fans Going to Like Rooting for Baseball's Rex Ryan?
Tough question for all you Jerry Thortons out there, huh? I can't tell you how many columns over on Barstool Boston that I have scrolled past the last few years that I assumed were rambling on and on about how Rexy and the Jets were a bunch of headline-creating ass clowns who haven't won anything, but act like they have. Welp guys, how does it feel now that the shoe's on the other foot?
Since taking over the Sawx, Bobby V has made a point out of how Michael Pineda faded down the stretch last year, how Kuroda is another year older and leaving a 'Great Pitching Park,' took jabs at both Jeter and A-rod during his farewell to Varitek, and even lashed out at Francona, telling Tito "Remember, you're getting paid over there for saying stuff, you get paid over here for doing stuff. I've done both."
My man, I don't know what planet you've been living on, but it's not Earth. Something must have been lost in translation when you came back from Japan, because winning a title over there doesn't count for shit. You're in America now, where losing to the Yanks in the World Series doesn't count as "doing stuff." It's just something 26 other teams have done. So, stop worrying about plays Jeter made while Tino Martinez was still playing first base, and maybe start worrying about how Beckett thinks that it wasn't the booze in the dugout, but "The snitching [expletive]"that was the real problem last year.
The Champ is Here
Okay, so obviously I have been out of the game for a few weeks now, and to be honest, I thought I was out for good. But the outcry has been loud and clear from the 3 or so people that read this blog... that without my semi-literate, haphazard, illogical rants, the air isn't as fresh, the water doesn't taste as crisp, but mostly that they have less things to kill time at work with.
So the watched pot is finally going to boil, and I'm back with the fire and fury of a thousand suns. The Champ is back and he's kickin' this thing into high gear. Got a whole bunch of new shit coming at you. And it's not just me... LOOK! Patty Shack even rebranded himself! (If you don't get Roll Tide, then one, you are an idiot, and two, click here). And he saw a lot of punch bugs!!!
So, uh yeah, we're back bitches. Just please do us a favor and tape your boners down or tuck them up into your belts so this doesn't get awkward.
Why on God's green earth are there so many VW Bugs in Washington DC??

I was there for about 40 hours. So by some simple math just there we have a ratio of almost 1 VW Bug per 1 hour I was there. But then you have to think of the hours I slept each night (roughly 3 am - noon both nights) plus all the time I was inside (buddy's apt, bar, Celts game) to realize that in the amount of time it was humanly possible for me to see one - let's call it 4 hours (definitely a high estimate) - that ratio isn't even close. Just gonna take a conservative guesstimate of 28 cars seen. Do you realize what that means? 7 fucking VW Bugs per hour! Just preposterous. There truly is no upper limit on my guess for this ratio had I been outside the whole time.
So, two thoughts:
1. There has to be some explanation for this and I will not rest until I know what it is. Do government workers get some sort of crazy deal on them? Is there something about them that makes them handle the DC terrain better than others? Is it the gas mileage? Do they make it easier to spy? Is everyone that drives one a German embassy employee and they get them for free? I need answers now.
2. Special Ed decided to bring back the whole Punch Bug game about a year or two ago now. Thought he was really something else with it there for a while, too. Well let me tell you something. I am like Jordan in his prime right now with the Punch Bug game. Like Bobby Fischer on the chess table, Beethoven on the piano and Ali in the ring, all rolled into one. There is NO stopping me. I literally can't even remember the last time someone got me. Special Ed even admitted today that it's been a long time since he got me with one. Uhh yeah dude I guess it's been a "long time" ...ha just kidding, that doesn't even do it justice. I think I can pretty much just do it with my eyes closed at this point. Took a trip up to Boston with our boy RobbieMo and literally beat him 13-0. Thirteen to fucking zero bro, really? Not even gonna put up a fight? Plus half the trip was in the dark, probably woulda been at least a 20 spot had it been all daylight. I was honestly considering just trying to punch myself by the end of it because it would've made the game more challenging.
So I bring this up because if I were Special Ed or RobbieMo, I'd be thanking my fucking lucky stars that I didn't go on this trip with me. I'm not even joking 0.001% when I say I think I might've just shattered one of their Humerus bones into a million pieces. Woulda been running for cover and shit the whole time, callin they mamas and telling them about that big bad man with the head on a swivel and a good eye for a weird lookin car.
Now, if only I could get the colors right...
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